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Unicef warns of dangers of digital world for children

December 23, 2017 05:53 AM


Unicef warns of dangers of digital world for children

Ahmedabad: In the wake of the increasing internet consumption among children and teenagers, experts present at a conference organized by United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (Unicef), warned of the dangers of the digital world for children. A report on ‘State of World’s Children 2017’ was released at the conference on Friday, according to which, despite the benefits, digital technology makes children more susceptible to online as well as offline harm.

Sharing more details, Lakshmi Bhawani, chief of UNICEFGujarat, said, “An estimated 71 per cent of the young people are online, thus making it one of the most connected age groups worldwide. While the digital platform and internet have their own benefits, there is greater harm too. Children may be at greater risk of harm, including loss of privacy.”

Information and communication technologies are intensifying traditional childhood risks, such as bullying, and fuelling new forms of child abuse and exploitation, such as ‘made-to-order’ child sexual abuse material and live streaming of child sexual abuse, mentions the report.

That apart, the report also highlighted how ICT also impacts the children’s health and happiness. “Researchers acknowledge that excessive use of digital technology can contribute to childhood depression and anxiety. Conversely, children who struggle offline can sometimes develop friendships and receive social support online that they are not receiving elsewhere,” mentions the report.

In the wake of this, experts have recommended some six priority actions to harness the power of digitization while protecting children from online abuse and exploitation. These include providing affordable access to high-quality online resources, safeguard children’s privacy and identities online, leverage the power of private sector to advance ethical standards and practices that protect and benefit children online and also put children at the centre of framing digital policies.


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